EDIUS X – od sada dostupan

Jučer 15.9.2020. je predstavljen novi EDIUS X. EDIUS X označava novu eru NLE video montaže te dolazi s potpuno redizajniranim core engineom temeljenom na modularnom pristupu što donosi još bolje performanse i potpuno prilagodljive obrasce rada.

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Već skoro dva desetljeća, EDIUS je poznat po svojoj stabilnosti te postavljanju novih mjerila po performansama i kreativnim alatima. EDIUS se koristi širom raznih institucija i djelatnosti, od TV postaja i raznih novinarskih kuća do državnih institucija, produkcijskih kuća, video entuzijasta i šire.

Novi modularni dizajn omogućuje Grass Valley-u kontinuiranu nadogradnju i proširenja. Ovo omogućuje jednostavnu implementaciju korisničkih zahtjeva, novih tehnologija i web servisa u sam softver.

Sve EDIUS 10.x nadogradnje će biti besplatno dostupne tijekom očekivanog životnog vijeka softvera u razdoblju od dvije do tri godine.

Značajke EDIUS-a X verzije 10.0:

  • Background Rendering: EDIUS X will never ask you to interrupt your editing for a process to finish. This makes your workflow smooth, creative, and virtually unstoppable.
  • Background Export: The new background render engine is also great for exporting files. You will never have to pause working while exporting.
  • GV Job Monitor: EDIUS X keeps you informed regarding all background activities and lets you prioritize jobs as needed.
  • VST Plug-In Support: EDIUS X broadens the support for VST-plugins. This includes support for latency plug-ins along with a powerful WaveShell integration.
  • Motion Tracker with Chase Mode: EDIUS X allows you to easily attach a label, animation or video clip to your tracked object.
  • Motion Tracker with Anchor Mode: Have your picture automatically reframed with reference to the tracked object. This is great for aspect ratio conversions and virtual multicamera shots.
  • H.265 Export: EDIUS X speeds up export rendering time by leveraging NVIDIA GPU support. This is also available with the new Background Rendering options.
  • GUI Color: EDIUS X comes with a refined GUI in a slightly darker color. This makes editing even more comfortable with a cool new look.
  • Draft Mode: With EDIUS X, EDIUS X Pro now also includes the Draft Preview Mode allowing realtime playback of as of many tracks as you like.
  • 8K Support: EDIUS X Workgroup allows project settings and also file export in up to 8K.
  • Optimized Performance: EDIUS X is all about performance and a futureproofed design. EDIUS X requires Windows 10 and makes optimal use of advanced technology. This includes hardware acceleration provided by Intel QuickSync as well as broad GPU support. The new modular design allows utilizing the potential of multicore CPUs more efficiently than ever before.
  • Optimized Audio Sync Performance: EDIUS X provides an even faster automatic audio sync function to align as many clips as your projects requires for a smooth multicam experience.
  • Native Support for the Latest Cameras and Codecs: EDIUS X supports the newest codecs and camera releases natively like no other NLE. There’s no need to transcode, so you can just edit!
  • Ongoing Continuous Development: EDIUS X will continue to expand and grow its toolset with even more creative possibilities. EDIUS X users will benefit from all EDIUS 10.x updates available for download free of charge throughout the entire lifecycle of EDIUS X.

Minimalna tehnička specifikacija (standalone verzija):

CPU: CPU sa AVX2 setom instrukcija: Intel 4-te generacije ili noviji te ekvivalentni AMD CPU
Memorija: 8 GB RAM-a ili više | za 4K projekte 16 GB ili više
Tvrdi disk: 6 GB slobodnog prostora za instalaciju, brzi disk za pohranu video materijala
Grafička kartica: 1 GB VRAM-a ili više | za4K projekte 2 GB ili više
Zvučna kartica: Zvučna kartica sa podržanim WDM driverima
Mreža: Internet konekcija je nužna za inicijalnu aktivaciju softverskih licenci te je zatim potrebno biti povezan barem jednom mjesečno za provjeru licence | Offline aktivacija i korištenje je dostupno samo uz EDIUS X Workgroup
OS: Windows 10 64-bit verzije 1903 ili noviji

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