Kada montažer mora čekati radi tehnoloških razloga, nažalost pati njegova kreativnost. Takve situacije se ne događaju s EDIUS Pro 9 softverom. EDIUS Pro 9 znači više formata i više rezolucije, sve obradivo u realnom vremenu za mogućnost montaže bilo kojeg sadržaja i brzinu. EDIUS Pro 9 je savršeni postprodukcijski alat za profesionalnu produkciju, uključujući dokuemntarne filmove te 4K i HDR kinematografiju.
S više kreativnih opcija i s mogućnošću obrade u realnom vremenu bez renderiranja svih popularnih SD, HD i čak 4K formata, EDIUS Pro 9 je najraznovrsniji i najbrži nelinearni softver za montažu na tržištu.
EDIUS Pro 9 iz Grass Valley-a, omogućuje montažu u realnom vremenu, različitih formata s različitim uzorkovanjem sve na istom timelineu. To znači bržu montažu i više vremena za kreativnost.
Više formata, bolji načini rada
EDIUS Pro 9 uključuje nativnu podršku za sve često korištene formate video datotekam, uključujući i Sony XDCAM, Panasonic P2, Canon XF i EOS movie te RED formate. Za potrebe post-produkcije moguće je koristiti Grass Valley-ev 10-bitni međuformatni kodek, HQX. Uz to postoji i opcija za Avid DNxHD kodek (standardno uključen u Workgroup verziji).
Gdje EDIUS Pro 9 uistinu briljira je u brzoj i širokoj implementaciji novih formata, kao što su na primjer Sony XAVC (Intra/Long GOP)/XAVC S, Panasonic AVC-Ultra, Canon XF-AVC te različite Log/RAW datoteke. Sa EDIUS Pro 9, uvijek ćete biti u mogućnosti za montažu, bez obzira na korišteni format.
Kada ga kupite, on je Vaš – sigurna investicija
Prilikom kupnje EDIUS Pro 9 softvera korisnik će dobiti trajnju licencu koja uključuje sve 9.xx nadogradnje s novim značajkama tijekom cijelog EDIUS Pro 9 životnog vijeka bez ikakvih nadoplata. EDIUS Pro 9 nema pretplatu i bilo kakva vremenska ograničenja. Vaša investicija je sigurna jer možete raditi s EDIUS Pro 9 dokle god to budete željeli bez ikakvih dodatnih naplata čak i nakon izdavanja nove verzije EDIUS-a (major release) u budućnosti.
EDIUS Pro 9 dopušta istovremenu instalaciju na dva PC računala, npr. jedna instalacija za desktop računalo i druga za prijenosno računalo. Na ovaj način možete nastaviti s montažom trenutnog projekta tijekom putovanja. U slučaju da Vaše prijenosno računalo nije dovoljno snažno za obradu zahtjevnog materijala (kao što je 4K/multicam/multiple layers) uživati ćete korištenjem EDIUS Pro 9 proxy načina rada za glatko i besprijekorno iskustvo montaže.
64-bita i 4K
Napravljen iz nule kao nativno 64-bitno riješenje za Windowse 7, 8 i 10, EDIUS Pro 9 primjenjuje sve prednosti današnjih naprednih 64-bitnih operativnih sustava. To uključuje i korištenje do 512 GB sistemske RAM memorije za optimalnu propusnost podataka, što je nužno prilikom korištenja više slojeva (multiple layers), 3D montažu te za rad s multi-cam projektima.
EDIUS Pro 9 je optimiziran za Intel Quick Sync kao niti jedan drugi NLE. Quick Sync ne samo da ubrzava enkodiranje H.264 već eksportira datoteke do 10 puta brže. Reprodukcija H.264 sadržaja na timeline-u je značajno unaprijeđena kao što je omogućena glatka montaža 4K materijala čak i s ne toliko optimiziranim uredskim PC računalima.
Quick Sync je hardverski implementirana GPU značajka koja je podržana od strane mnogih Intelovih procesora zadnje generacije Core i7, Core i5 pa čak i Core i3. Verzije i7-4790K i i7-6700k se iznimno preporučuju za stolna računala kao i i7-4810QM i i7-6820HQ za prijenosnike.
Od verzije EDIUS Pro 8.10 performanse prilikom rada s ProRes i DNxHD sadržajem na timeline-u je ubrzan za 250%.
Najbolji softver za montažu za rad s različitim formatima na istom timeline-u
Kao niti jedan drugi NLE EDIUS Pro 9 ima mogućnost editiranja u realnom vremenu, upscalinga i downscalinga u realnom vremenu, konverzije formata i framerate-a te pritom omogućava korištenje različitih formata na istom timeline-u. Ukoliko radite HD sadržaj tada jednostavno povucite bilo koju 4/3 SD datoteku na timeline, pomiješajte NTSC i PAL snimke te dodajte neke 4K snimke i slike sa različitim framerate-ima. EDIUS Pro 9 se brine o potrebi za konverzijom i to u realnom vremenu, bez potrebe za manualnim transkodiranjem ili redovima za renderiranje.
EDIUS Pro 9 podržava rezolucije od 24×24 piksela do 4Kx2K (4096×2048), sve na istom timeline-u, čak i prilikom gniježđenja sekvenci, uključujući alfa kanale za transparentnost i to sve u realnom vremenu.
Izvoz za različite platforme
Izvoz datoteka u bilo koji željeni format jednako je lak. Rezolucije i framerate je moguće podesiti prema Vašim potrebama. Dostupno je i mnoštvo različitih kontejnera kao što su AVI, QuickTime i Windows Media te mnoštvo različitih kodeka. To uključuje i high-end formate za klasično profesionalno okruženje te formate koji su najprimjerenije za kranjeg korisnika.
Novo: Mync
Od verzije 8.32 EDIUS dolazi s alatom za upravljanje sadržajem Mync Standard. Ovaj alat se nekada nazivao GV Browser te je sada proširen sa brojnim močnim značajkama. Kao osobni upravitelj datotekama omogućuje Vam sortiranje i upravljanje svim vrstama video materijala, audio klipovima i statičnim slikama te omogućuje dodavanje atributa i ključnih riječi te editiranje storyboard-a. Sortirane datoteke će se automatski prikazati unutar EDIUS source browsera za lakši i brži pristup istima. Mync također može izvoziti slike te omogućiti upload klipova online na kanale kao što su YouTube i Vimeo ili FTP poslužitelji.
Mync je inteligentan: Nakon spajanja USB memorije ili memorijske kartice na Vaše računalo svi podržani formati će biti automatski detektirani i prikazani unutar bin prozora.
EDIUS je dostupan u sljedećim verzijama:
- EDIUS Pro 9
- EDIUS Pro 9 Education za edukacijske ustanove ili studente (ova licenca nije za komercijalnu upotrebu i s nje nije moguća nadogradnja na više verzije)
- EDIUS Pro 9 Upgrade sa verzije PRO 8 ili Edius 8 Workgroup 8
- EDIUS Pro 9 Jump Upgrade sa Ediusa verzije 2-7 ili EDIUS Neo 1-3.5 (JUMP upgrade isporučuje se do isteka zaliha)
- EDIUS Workgroup 9
- EDIUS Workgroup 9 Education za edukacijske ustanove ili studente (ova licenca nije za komercijalnu upotrebu i s nje nije moguća nadogradnja na više verzije)
- EDIUS Workgroup 9 Upgrade sa verzije Workgroup 8
- EDIUS Workgroup 9 Jump Upgrade s verzija EDIUS 2-7, EDIUS Pro 8 (ne sa verzija EDIUS EDU ili EDIUS Neo)
Te ga možete naručiti direktno s našeg Webshopa.
Key features of EDIUS Pro 9 and Workgroup 9
- NEW: “Buy once and use forever”: EDIUS Pro 9 and EDIUS Workgroup 9 are solutions that you purchase once and use without time limit – as the majority of users wants. So there is no subscription or rental model and no time limit for the use.
- NEW: Always up to date: Numerous new features and enhancements will be added free of charge to users of EDIUS Pro 9 and EDIUS Workgroup 9 during the product cycle of EDIUS 9 until mid/end of 2019
- NEW: Comprehensive HDR Workflow:
- Support for HDR PQ and HLG
- Native support of HDR video sources (professional camcorders, drones, action cams and smartphones)
- Native HDR cut
- Conversion of SDR and Log to HDR
- Mix of SDR and HDR on one timeline
- Real-time preview on HDR monitor when editing (Tip: We recommend Sony HDR monitors and as HDR control monitor the Atomos Sumo19/19M)
- Export of HDR files for HDR LCD TVs and YouTube
- Export of HDR files in native XAVC format
- NEW: Support for the BT.2020 and BT.2100 color space
- NEW: Export of H.264 files with 10bit and 4:2:2
- NEW: Support of the Cinema Raw Light Format of Canon C200
- NEW: Native 10bit Cinema DNG support
- NEW: General acceleration of EDIUS by faster program start and accelerated processing (even the installation of updates has been improved)
- NEW: Improvement of the user interface (as a reaction to user feedback)
- NEW: Including updated Mync media management software
- enhanced metadata analysis, also for the search function
- advanced storyboard editing functions
- improved working with offline files
- NEW: Cloud ready: EDIUS can run in the cloud. Ideal for users, who have their video material in the cloud
- NEW: In the future EDIUS will also be available as a floating license for companies
- NEW in the Workgroup version: Support of 4K 50/60p output via I/O hardware
- NEW: Important: the list of new features in EDIUS 9 does not end herewith. EDIUS 9 has the same system with free .xx updates like EDIUS 8, which has been much appreciated by users: Every few months there is an update with new features and/or format support. In EDIUS 8, e.g. the following enhancements were added after the 8.00 version: primary color correction, LUT support, color space conversion, Log support, optical flow, motion tracker, new still picture engine (without Quicktime), loudness meter with auto correction, Mync Media Asset Management with storyboard and upload function, better metadata support, new proxy mode with different resolutions, up to 64 channels of audio, 4K monitor and high DPI support, improved ProRes and DNxHD support, GPU acceleration for primary color correction, Raw support, draft preview mode with reduced preview quality for more real-time, project templates, open FX support and much more.
- NEW: Planned improvements in upcoming 9.xx updates are, for example:
- a function for synchronizing clips via audio (for multicam editing)
- support for 8K and high frame rate
- H.265 export
- and much more…
- for the Workgroup version, in addition, e.g. the support of integrated subtitles (CC) and background rendering is planned
- Titler format independent of the DPI setting of the computer
- Possibility to change between display light and scene light in the primary color correction
- Date and time display on the screen for XAVC-S clips
- Manual input of volume and panorama values in the audio mixer
- EDIUS Workgroup – loudness auto correction for export
- High DPI support for all parts of the user interface including QuickTitler, layouter and effects settings
- Accelerated export for H.264 material
- Import/editing of H.265 HEVC material (e.g. Panasonic GH5)
- Support for metadata of current Panasonic cameras (e.g.GH5)
- Export of the storyboard in Mync as XML format possible
- Storyboard in Mync with background music
- Include preview frame in the OUT marker – especially interesting for previous Avid users
- High quality slow-motion effect through Optical Flow Technology
- High quality frame rate conversion directly in the timeline through Optical Flow Technology (in real-time!)
- Different resolutions and quality levels for proxy-files
- Motion Tracker in order to track and use filters and effects on objects and image areas
- LUT (Look-Up-Table) import
- Extensive LOG support
- HDR workflow
- New primary color correction with many settings possibilities and YRGB curves
- Utilization of the GPU to accelerate complex color corrections (support of the primary color correction)
- Possibility to use EDIUS also without Apple QuickTime (QuickTime has security lapses)
- Optimized preview mode with reduced resolution (if required) for more real-time effects (only the Workgroup version)
- Mync for managing video, audio and stills. Allows tagging, entering and searching for keywords, retrieving and previewing clips in high quality.
- Optimal 4K-workflow supporting 3rd party hard- and software like Blackmagic Design Decklink 4K Extreme, Ultra Studio 4K, Intensity Pro 4K as well as EDL and AAF import/export with the high-end Grass Valley HQX Codec along with DaVinci Resolve 12 as color grading solution.
- Supports editing hardware from leading manufacturers like Blackmagic Design, Matrox and AJA.
- Supports Open FX Plug-ins.
- Compatible with any resolution between 24×24 pixel up to 4Kx2K, real-time-framerate-conversion on one timeline for a fluent and uninterrupted editing experience.
- Optimized GUI for an even faster workflow.
- Optimized visibility and ergonomics supporting 4K/UHD-displays.
- Fast and easily customizable GUI supporting an unlimited number of video-, audio-, title- and graphic-tracks.
- Supports the newest file-formats like Sony XAVC (Intra/Long GOP)/ XAVC S and Panasonic AVC-Ultra/AVC-Intra 4K 422.
- Supports the new Canon 4K XF-AVC-Codecs (import only) that comes with the new Canon 4K-Camcorder XC10 and C300 Mark II.
- Native support of the majority of different video-formats like Sony XDCAM, Panasonic P2, Ikegami GF, RED as well as Canon XF and EOS and more.
- Fastest and most responsive editing of AVCHD-material available on the market.
- Multicam-editing allowing up to 16 sources simultaneously supporting the editing-card’s real-time video output.
- Improved MPEG encoder/decoder
- Improved H.264/AVC encoder/decoder for even faster encodings of 4K XAVC-material.
- Optimized playback of 4K H.264-material.
- Optimized for the Intel Core I architecture 4th generation (Haswell).
- Native 64-processing allowing the allocation of maximum RAM for an optimal real-time-experience.
- Proxy mode workflow enabling older computers to work fluently even on complex projects thus securing your investment on hardware (ROI).
- Supports Intel Quick Sync acceleration for an extreme fast H.264-export (ideal for H.264 based formats like AVCHD and SONY X-AVS S and exporting to Blu-ray disk).
- Fast handling of large quantities of still pictures (JPG, TGA, DPX and more).
- Excellent workflow to edit stereoscopic 3D video-footage.
- Built-in image stabilization enhancing shaky footage.
- Direct timeline-export to DVD and Blu-ray.